Our Complaints Procedure

Our commitment to you

We strive to provide an excellent service to all our customers but occasionally things can go wrong. We take all complaints seriously and endeavour to resolve all customers’ problems promptly.

If you have a question about this insurance or complaint about your broker, you should contact your broker.

If your complaint is in relation to this insurance or a claim, you should contact us as follows:

Gemma Stanley – Managing Director
First Underwriting Ltd
Part Level 15
The Gherkin
30, St Mary Axe
London, EC3A 8EP

Email: FULComplaints@firstuw.com

Telephone: 0207 655 8035

If we cannot resolve your complaint straight away, we will aim to resolve your concerns as soon as possible and we will keep you informed of progress while our enquiries are continuing. In such circumstances, we will:

  • Acknowledge any formal complaints in five working days or less.
  • Review expressions of dissatisfaction fairly and independently by a person of appropriate seniority and authority.
  • Make clear who the person managing your complaint is in our original letter of response.
  • Provide a full response to your concern or complaint within four weeks or less. If for any reason this is not possible, we will write to you to explain why we have been unable to conclude the matter quickly. We will also let you know when we will contact you again.
  • Write to you if we have been unable to resolve your complaint in eight weeks, explaining the reason as to why this has not been possible. We will also advise you of your right to refer your complaint to Lloyd’s and/or the Financial Ombudsman Service.


The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction or if you remain dissatisfied following receipt of our final response letter, you may be able to ask the FOS to formally review your case. You must contact FOS within six months of our final response.

The FOS contact details are as follows:

Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London, E14 9SR

You can telephone for free on:

  • 0800 023 4567 for people phoning from a “fixed line” (for example a landline at home)
  • 0300 123 9123 for mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02

Or by e-mail: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk

This is a free and impartial service, and you are entitled to contact the FOS at any stage of your complaint. If you are unsure whether FOS will consider your complaint or for more information please contact the ombudsman directly, or visit www.financialombudsman.org.uk.


Accredited Insurance Europe

The contact details should you wish to raise a complaint directly with Accredited Insurance (Europe) Ltd are:

Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited
71 Fenchurch Street

Email: complaints@accredited-eu.com 


Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services

If you are not satisfied with our final response or We have not responded within fifteen (15 working days, you may also refer Your complaint to:

Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services
1st Floor St Calcedonius Square
FRN 1530
Telephone (+356 212 49245)

You will have to pay EUR 25.00 at the time of making Your complaint to the Arbiter to use this service.

For more information on the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services and its complaints process, please visit http://financialarbiter.org.mt.

If at any time you feel dissatisfied with the service, or feel that you have cause for complaint, we recommend in the first instance that you contact the Insurance Broker or Intermediary who arranged the policy, or you can address your concerns in writing to our Managing Director at the above address.